Monday, July 6, 2015

Last Leg

Whether flying, driving, sailing - if there are stops or points as you go through your journey, the time spent traveling between stops can be considered a 'leg.' Believe it or not, the same can apply to my flight training 'journey.'

If one were to analyze my journey through this process of acquiring my pilot's license, it could easily be broken up into different legs:

  1. Training at the end of last summer (2014)
  2. Training over winter break
  3. Training over spring break (almost too short to even be considered a leg...)
  4. Training during this summer (2015)
If we were to analyze even further, the training this summer could be broken down even further:
  1. Completing my required training hours
  2. Checkride prep/checkride
After exactly a month of being home from school, and mainly flying one or two days per week because of work, that first sub-leg of the fourth leg of my journey is complete. From here on out, it's all about prepping for my checkride with a Designated Pilot Examiner, or DPE. 

This prep will involve hours upon hours of study at home for the oral exam, as well as a small amount with my instructor to make sure I know everything. In terms of flights, I have two flights left at the very least; one with my instructor to put me through all the standard maneuvers/procedures, and if I pass that then I head on to the phase check flight (basically a mock checkride) with the head instructor. 

Then if I pass the mock checkride, I'll be able to go up with the DPE for my official checkride. 

It'll be a stressful process for sure, but one that I can't wait to finish - I know it'll be very rewarding in the end...


'Passed' the ground with my instructor...on to the mock checkride with the head instructor!

Stay tuned

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